Have you Experienced the Passing of a Loved one or, an Ending of a Relationship?

Grief Counseling Online for Adults and Teens, who are Ready to Move Through all of the Stages of Grief, and Build a New, Different, and Happy life!

Have you experienced the loss of a loved one or relationship and have not yet grieved the person who is no longer in your life? Burch Tree Counseling Center helps you move seamlessly through the stages of grief so you are no longer negatively impacted by the loss and instead are able to honor your loved one in a positive and productive way!

Grief Counseling for Adults and Teens online in Florida, Brandon Florida, Cape Coral Florida, Fort Myers Florida, Sarasota Florida | Grieving the loss of a loved-one or relationship

Adult Grief Therapy and Teen Grief Counseling via tele-health and in-person in Sarasota, Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Estero, Bonita, and all of Florida!

Two people grieving the loss of their loved one and needs grief counseling online at Burch Tree Counseling Center in Brandon, FL and all of Florida

Offering Grief Therapy and grief support online in all of Florida and in-person grief counseling in Sarasota, FL.

Have you been experiencing overwhelming emotions due to the loss of a loved one or, relationship? Have you been navigating through the specific stages of grief which include Depression, Anger, Bargaining, and Denial and don’t know what to do? If so, you are not alone. In fact, an estimated 90% of individuals experience difficult grief and suffering through the loss of a loved one or ending of a relationship.

Grief Counseling involves your therapist helping you navigate through the five stages of grief easier and teaching you the proper tools to live life in a way that your loved-one would have wanted you to.

Burch Tree Counseling Center offers grief counseling online or, grief therapy.

To schedule a grief counseling session call, email, or request an appointment online through the “request appointment tab.

How it Works



  • Feel Renewed!